AmCham Bahrain presents this member-only event in collaboration with regional partner AmCham Abu Dhabi. "5G Network Solutions with Trusted Partners - A risk assessment and network solutions for 5G commercial users", on Tuesday, September 1 at 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (Bahrain time).
The United States Government's Clean Network initiative addresses the long-term threat to data privacy, security, human rights and principled collaboration posed to the free world from authoritarian malign actors. The Clean Network is rooted in internationally accepted digital trust standards. It represents the execution of a multi-year, all-of-government, enduring strategy, built on a coalition of trusted partners, and based on rapidly changing technology and economics of global markets.
This "By Invitation Only" webinar is exclusively for AmCham Members in the GCC.
The Meeting ID and the link to join the webinar will be sent to you along with confirmation on the day of the webinar.
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1st Floor, Office 111 Building 256, Road 2705, Block 327
Adliya - Kingdom of Bahrain
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